Starting My Gardening Blog

Raised Vegetable Beds

Raised Vegetable Beds

There must be thousands, maybe tens of thousands of gardening blogs out there in cyber-terra. I frequently, sometimes randomly, come across very imaginative and creative gardening blogs when I’m searching for information on a specific plant, technique or a how-to project.

I decided to start my own blog primarily for my own entertainment and enjoyment, but also to share with others some of the ideas I’ve had and lessons I’ve learned in my zone 3 garden.

I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada where some might argue we have become a zone 4 in recent years. Frankly, the zone doesn’t really matter – what matters is which plants survive and which don’t. Every yard has it’s own microclimate, or various microclimates, that will determine what will overwinter successfully. Soil conditions, protection from wind, good snow cover – they all affect what we can and can’t grow in our own little plot.

In the past few years I have become increasingly interested in permaculture, although I admit I haven’t given my yard over entirely to growing food. I’m a fan of growing vertically, as I can get more into my tiny raised beds by going upwards.

I like to keep things simple and tidy. The past two years I have used square foot gardening in my raised beds, and I love the look and efficient use of space.

I hope to be able to share photos and information about the various projects in my backyard, and learn from others who have thoughts and ideas to post.

It’s the beginning of spring here in Alberta, and it’s going to be a great year for gardening.
