About Gardeninggrrl

imageI’ve been gardening for over 25 years and I love to innovate in the garden with time and money saving projects. I’ve been blogging about my zone 3 garden located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada since 2010. In 2015 I moved to White Rock BC where I now write about my experiences gardening on a balcony in zone 8. Comparing the two vastly difference horticultural enterprises is like comparing apples to sushi. Still, I enjoy sharing my ventures and I appreciate everyone who takes a moment to read my blog. Thanks for stopping by.

10 thoughts on “About Gardeninggrrl

  1. Joy says:

    you ROCK gardening girl……a few years ago I used to call myself the constant gardener…i really just bludgened slugs…76 my first attack

  2. Hooray! Another Zone 3 gardener. I’m in Alaska and always grow spinach, lettuce, radishes, etc., but have also tried melons (under plastic–got tons of fine leaves but no fruit) and corn–got a few sad looking ears, but they tasted great! Glad to have found your blog.


  3. Dear Gardening Grrl,

    Homesteader School is a small north east Edmonton school that has become a finalist in a Canada wide competition to win $20,000 towards construction of our outside classroom/garden. We are proud to say that we are the only finalists in Alberta! We are looking for support in the way of getting votes for our project. Your blog was forwarded to us as a local gardener, and it is our hope that you could pass on our story to your followers and encourage them to vote for us at majesta.com. Voting continues only until May 11th, so time is of the essence! Currently we stand in 6th place (up from 8th) and are doing everything we can to move to first place. We were featured on the front page of the Edmonton Journal today, and previously on CTV, CBC Radio, Metro News and the Edmonton Examiner. Voting is open to any Canadian resident over the age of 18 with a valid email address. Voters also have the opportunity to win $10,000! Links to these stories can be found on Facebook as well as Twitter, (https://twitter.com/#!/HomesteaderKids, https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Homesteader-Elementary-School/204888616280449).

    As well we would like to invite you to our next voting rally on April 25th at 10:00 a.m. We would like to know if you would be willing to sit on a panel that could field questions from our students regarding gardening in Edmonton.

    Please RSVP to Phyllis Bennett at 780-478-1139 or Phyllis.bennett@epsb.ca.

    We look forward to meeting you,

    Homesteader Students and Staff

  4. I would love to chat with you about a local project I’m launching this spring in Edmonton. You are brilliant and have so many amazing skills that Edmontonians would love to learn more about!

  5. Alyssa Miller says:

    Hi there! I would love to talk to you about using one of your amazing Carmine Jewel cherry photographs in a poster design. Could you please contact me via email ASAP to discuss?

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